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Anemia Clinical Trials
There are many types of anemia, with each having its own cause.
Loss of blood is the most common cause. Affecting an estimated 3 million Americans, anemia is the most common blood disorder in this country.
Our research team at Achieve Clinical Research is conducting anemia clinical trials in Birmingham, Alabama. We’re working to develop better treatments for this blood disorder and gain a better understanding of anemia in general.
Would you like to participate in a anemia clinical trial? You can fill out the form on this page. We’ll then contact you to talk about your eligibility for one of our research studies. You can also call us at (205) 757-8208 to speak with one of our clinical trial experts.
Your Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cells
Hemoglobin is the primary component of a red blood cell and it’s what binds oxygen. Low numbers or abnormal red blood cells will mean that your body’s cells won’t get enough oxygen. The fatigue and other symptoms of anemia start to occur as the organs aren’t getting the oxygen they need.
Risk Factors for Anemia
Young children, women and people with chronic illnesses are more likely to develop anemia.
Here are some important factors that we have learned from conducting studies on this common blood disorder:
- Some types of anemia are hereditary and it’s possible for an infant to exhibit symptoms at birth.
- Women are at increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia during their childbearing years. This is because of the natural blood loss caused by menstruation cycles and the higher blood supply demands of pregnancy.
- Older adults face increased risk of anemia from malnutrition and other medical conditions.
What Causes Anemia?
This blood disorder occurs when there aren’t enough red blood cells in your blood stream.
This could be caused by:
- Your body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells
- You’ve lost blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced
- Your body is actually destroying your red blood cells
Common Types of Anemia
Iron-Deficiency Anemia
The most common type is iron-deficiency anemia. As the name suggests, this anemia occurs when you don’t have enough iron in your body. Cases are usually the result of blood loss, but could also be caused by your diet.
Pregnancy and childbirth requires large amounts of iron and it’s not uncommon for women to develop pregnancy-related anemia during this period. Iron-deficiency anemia can also occur thanks to surgical procedures like a gastric bypass. Poor absorption following the procedure can result in low levels of iron in your bloodstream.
Vitamin-Deficiency Anemia
This form of anemia can occur when you don’t have enough vitamin B12 or folic acid (folate). Vitamin-deficiency anemia is often the result of poor dietary habits. There’s also pernicious anemia where the gastrointestinal (GI) tract cannot absorb vitamin B12 effectively.
Sickle Cell Anemia
This type of anemia is inherited and the disorder produces abnormal hemoglobin proteins. The abnormality causes red blood cells to become rigid and unable to flow effectively through smaller blood vessels. Sickle cell anemia will clog up circulation in patients.
Anemia Caused by Other Diseases
There are some chronic illnesses that will impact the body’s ability to produce healthy red blood cells. If you’ve developed kidney disease, you’ll be at risk of anemia because your kidneys won’t be able to produce enough erythropoietin. This hormone signals the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells.
Undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment can impair your body’s ability to produce healthy red blood cells as well. Anemia is a common side effect of chemotherapy.
Other diseases that can cause anemia include:
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- Crohn’s disease
- Leukemia
- Myelofibrosis
Anemia Clinical Trials in Birmingham, Alabama
If you would like to participate in a anemia clinical trial at our clinic, we’d love to talk to you about your eligibility. Our clinical trial experts can answer any questions that you have. You can also learn more about clinical trial participation on our site if you have a few minutes.
Please note that all study-related care will be provided free of charge and compensation may be provided. The research team for your clinical study will be able to tell you more.
We are conducting studies targeted towards a diverse variety of medical conditions at our facility in Birmingham. This means that you can qualify for a clinical trial even if you don’t have anemia. Our mission is to advance modern medicine and we could use your help. Sign up on the form on our website.
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